Total Value Locked
Total Locked
Number of Stakers
Offer: VPN
Accumulation: ≈ Up to 1% daily
Your Profit: 0
Start Deposit: -
Date your withdrawal: -
Life Time: 24 Month
Referral: 10%
Offer: BoostADS
Accumulation: ≈ Up to 1.5% daily
Your Profit: 0
Start Deposit: -
Date your withdrawal: -
Life Time: 36 Month
Referral: 10%
Offer: Boost Case
Accumulation: ≈ Up to 2% daily
Your Profit: 0
Start Deposit: -
Date your withdrawal: -
Life Time: 60 Month
Referral: 10%
Offer: BoostToken
Accumulation: 5% Every 3 Month
Life Time: Unlimited
Referral: 10%
Note: Information on tariff plans is updated automatically.
Our project is subject to high risk. Please make your investment cautiously. We will not be responsible for your investment losses.