Total Value Locked
Total Locked
Number of Stakers
Offer: VPN
Accumulation: ≈ Up to 1% daily
Your Profit: 0
Start Deposit: -
Date your withdrawal: -
Life Time: 24 Month
Referral: 10%
Offer: BoostADS
Accumulation: ≈ Up to 1.5% daily
Your Profit: 0
Start Deposit: -
Date your withdrawal: -
Life Time: 36 Month
Referral: 10%
Offer: Boost Case
Accumulation: ≈ Up to 2% daily
Your Profit: 0
Start Deposit: -
Date your withdrawal: -
Life Time: 60 Month
Referral: 10%
Offer: BoostToken
Accumulation: 5% Every 3 Month
Life Time: Unlimited
Referral: 10%
Note: Information on tariff plans is updated automatically.
Referral reward available for withdrawal at any time.
Our project is subject to high risk. Please make your investment cautiously. We will not be responsible for your investment losses.